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Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.

Holding Hands
Market Analysis
Mother's Kiss


Jesus heals, saves and delivers.


But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He Who gives you power to get wealth.


Prophecies fulfilled and Prayers answered for the glory of God.

Testimonies: Testimonials

During every problem and struggle in our family, we kept all prayer request to GLP ministry, brother and sister and by God’s grace and their soulful prayers we overcame all problems.

My elder daughter was looking for a promotion in her work. In an unexpected way, an offer came and after 7 rounds of interview she got selected and received offer letter from that company as per God’s words delivered by Rev.M.Sunder Shaw when he prayed for her work.

My second daughter during her counselling session for engineering college, there were only 23 seats for her course a week before her counselling and there was minimal chance for her to get seat in a particular college. But our Heavenly Father showered his grace upon her and until she got selected there were all 23 seats and after she got selected there were no seats at all.

My elder daughter marriage happened as per God's words delivered by Rev.M.Sunder Shaw a month earlier. As he declared, a good family and son-in-law as per God’s wish approached us for marriage and exactly in one month her marriage happened happily after many problems in our family. We’re much thankful to Lord and GLP for making the marriage happen in a miraculous way.

Our son-in-law received a long awaited offer from Dubai. This was a surprise gift by God for both families and God proved he is always with our family and showered his blessings.

As per soulful prayers of GLP Ministries, my daughter also went to Dubai after many struggles in her VISA process.

My son got his counselling seat in an engineering college of our choice as per our prayer request to GLP ministries. At the right time he got the course in expected college.

Thanks to Lord and GLP ministry for all the prayers!

A partner family, Salem

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