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Praying Together
Team: Meet the Team

Rev. Dr. M. Sunder Shaw

Reverend, Founder and Chairman, GLP Ministries

Rev. Sunder Shaw (B.COM, B.D, M.TH, PH.D) was born in December 1953 as the second child to a Christian God-fearing parents in the vibrant southern Indian city of Chennai. His father Mr. Mangalam served in the British-India army followed by in the Indian Electricity board before retirement and his mother was a teacher.

Till his age of 21, Bro. Sunder Shaw was living on his own way under the influence of the world desires. Because of that he failed in his education, lost his peace with no goal in his life, lost his happiness and his life was sinking in depression.


On 12th March 1975, he heard God's word from a Man of God named Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran (who laterfounded the Jesus Calls Ministries). In that meeting, God broke Bro. Sunder Shaw’s heart. He cried and by God’s grace, Rev. Sunder Shaw accepted Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. Later, he was baptised and anointed by Holy Spirit in the month of August 1976.
From then on, he started proclaiming Lord Jesus Christ to others, part time, while working as the Finance officer in a private company. He also served in the church of south India in various positions to help in the growth of the church ministry.


On another occasion, the same man of God Dr.D.G.S. Dhinakaran laid his hands on Bro. Sunder Shaw’s head and  prophesied saying “God will use you as a Prophet and Bible Preacher in ministry”. This prophecy is being fulfilled in his life and ministry. After his retirement, God gave him the vision “Isaiah 61:1 - He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners” to start the Grace, Love and Power (GLP) Ministries in the city of Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.


God is using brother mightily for His Name’s Glory and to be a blessing to many around the world as a prophet and as someone who carries God’s word with love, authority and with humility.

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