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Grace, Love and Power of Jesus Christ

Grace Love and Power Ministries was started first with Prophetic Blessing Meeting on 11th June 2016. Initially we conducted the meeting with few families in a small, rented hall. Gradually ministry gained momentum. Many came to know about this meeting and started coming to hear the mighty Word of God by our Rev. Dr. M. Sunder Shaw. God answered the prayers of those who attended this meeting. God opened new doors for this ministry to expand for His glory.

On 13th July 2019, God blessed us with a rental building, to setup GLP Ministries - Prayer Centre in Salem, Tamilnadu, India. We have a Chapel, prayer rooms, meeting hall, with good ambience. We conduct meetings regularly in prayer centre. Daily, people from various denomination churches, religions, professionals, youths, believers, non-believers come here for praying and to get comfort.

We praise our God for revealing His mighty Power, His mighty Hands, His Healing Power, His Miracles and Wonders, His Salvation and other Supernatural Gifts through this ministry.

GLP Ministries started like a small mustard seed. By the enormous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, now it has grown as a big tree and many families rest under its shadow. This ministry journey continues with Lord Jesus Christ.

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